The transition from primary mathematics to secondary mathematics may not be easy for some students. The migration to using equations, symbols, and negative numbers from solving problems using models can all add up to make mathematics difficult and not as enjoyable. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, this book aims to provide students with more practice so that they can further hone their skills to perfection. It is hoped that this book will help students become more confident and competent in their mathematics.
ISBN 9789811164330
3 in stock
3 in stock
The transition from primary mathematics to secondary mathematics may not be easy for some students. The migration to using equations, symbols, and negative numbers from solving problems using models can all add up to make mathematics difficult and not as enjoyable. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, this book aims to provide students with more practice so that they can further hone their skills to perfection. It is hoped that this book will help students become more confident and competent in their mathematics.
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