ALSTON-English Supplementary Lollipop Theater – CURTAINS UP!


ISBN : 978-981-4321-822ᅠᅠ Publisher : ALSTONᅠᅠ Total pages : 154ᅠ Type : Soft Cover

Journey into the exciting world of drama and theater with the Lollipop Theater series.

In this series, students will learn to express themselves confidently through their body language, facial expressions and the way they speak. Discussions, voice exercise and speaking activities encourage students to speak up. Tips for acting help to improve their presentation skills. Through improvisation and acting games, students are invited to be more creative and flexible.

The series will also develop studentメs appreciation for drama and literature. Students are given opportunities to reflect on and analyze the form and content of plays and stories. They will also hone their writing skills through project such as script writing.

In Curtains Up !, students go behind the scenes to learn about the people involved in stage production and develop their skills as an actor, director, stage manager, and even playwright! Students will also have fun staging their own performances.

Curtains Up! Is the first book of the Lollipop Theater series.

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ALSTON-English Supplementary Lollipop Theater – CURTAINS UP!


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